Course Description: Do email messages in the your organization resemble screen versions of the junk mail cluttering mailboxes today? In a digital era, this course helps participants develop Screen Savvy to create electronic messages readers view not as
“junk” but “gems.”
Since email messages are only a keystroke away from deletion, the following gem qualities lead to messages more likely to be read instead: clarity for screen sense, carats for screen streamlining, cut for screen sensitivity, color for screen style, and facets for screen scannability.
Developing Screen Savvy helps participants adapt their writing to this powerful, ever-growing technology. The result is a Certificate of Authenticity in the form of a helpful checklist to transfer their workshop skills back to the workplace.
Workshop Objectives: Recognizing that email is
different from paper mail, participants will:
1) Share their pet peeves about email
2) Compare its advantages and disadvantages
3) Learn techniques for turning email junk into
gems through Screen Savvy strategies
4) Critique sample messages for reader reaction:
junk or gem?
5) Practice Screen Savvy strategies for transferring
workshop skills back to the workplace