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This course is a blend of Professional
Writing Skills at a Glance and
Taking the “Grr” out of Grammar

Professional Writing Skills at a Glance

Course Description:  Time equals money in the work world, so creating clear documents quickly that can be understood easily is crucial.  Corporate as well as government communicators value this highly interactive workshop designed to help participants resolve two of their biggest written communication challenges: writing more effective documents while following a more efficient process. 

Practical, lively exercises help them increase their skills in Paragraph Performance from introductions to conclusions, Sentence Sense, Word Wisdom, and Format Force.  Participants report that the quality of their work increases while the amount of time needed to produce it decreases, often by 1/3.  A review of practical grammar and punctuation rules is included.  Their documents and messages will look, sound, and feel more professional as they convey their image with style!


  Workshop Objectives: 
After attending this course,
    participants will benefit from increased ability to: 
   1)  Identify varied audiences and purposes for writing
   2)  Polish rough edges of their writing style in
        paragraphs, sentences, words, and format
   3)  Write more effective documents while following a
        more efficient writing process
   4)  Apply course concepts to their actual writing samples



Taking the “Grr” out of Grammar

Course Description:  Surveys show that 80% of those in the business world tend to say, “Grr!” a lot when editing a document. Participants will enjoy working with practical grammar and punctuation rules that help them do so more easily.  Some topics for avoiding grammar glitches include subject-verb agreement, verb tense, misplaced as well as dangling modifiers, parallel structure, sentence structure, and pronoun case.  Also included are the latest rules to help participants eliminate punctuation pitfalls while mastering commas, semicolons, and colons.   Then, others won’t be likely to say, “Grr!” about the written or edited documents they receive.
Workshop Objectives:  This course helps participants do the following when writing and editing:
1)  Analyze why correct documents are so important
2)  Identify the errors that most tarnish a writer’s image
3)  Learn practical, current grammar and punctuation rules
4)  Practice correcting grammar glitches and punctuation pitfalls through exercises that transfer
      to their writing samples
5)  Demonstrate understanding of the rules through a pre- and post-quiz





Continuing connections from the workshop to the workplace and beyond